be a Divine Goddess you have
to Love & accept yourself as you are. This can feel like
one of the hardest thing you might ever do but it is worth
it, to make time & look after you is NOT selfish.
As you know your self-esteem has a lot to do with your every
day life - love, friendship , family , happiness
When you love yourself , your life gets easier, you find more
good in the people around you & you also see its not so
hard to let the bad people in your life go , & when you
love & respect your self and you find good fortune &
balance comes back in your life etc.......
You know we are our own worst critics for we worry way to
much about what others think of our appearance, when really
they are way to occupied with themselves as well to worry
about us.
Always REMEMBER be happy with yourself no matter if you are
big, small, round, thin, dark or light skinned people will
love you anyway for you will radiate a special power from
within for you are a Divine Goddess
as you love yourself...
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