Constitution of the Temple of the Way
1.1 There shall be a Group named The Temple of The Way, hereinafter known as the Group. 2. DEFINITIONS: 2.1 In this constitution unless
the contrary intention appears: 3. Aims and Objectives: 3.1 The Temple of the Way aims to foster a community spirit and build the foundations of a knowledge base for future members of the Temple. 3.2 The objectives of the Group
shall be: 3.3 In order to achieve these objectives the Group shall hold at least two activities each year that include and/or invite all members. That all members holding a position on Council or a position of authority in the covens will contribute regularly to the knowledge base by writing theses and articles. 3.4 The assets and income of the Group shall be applied solely in furtherance of the abovementioned objects and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the Group except as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the Group. 4. POWERS: 4.1 The Group shall have all the powers conferred by section 25 of the Act. 5. MEMBERSHIP: 5.1 Anyone can apply to be a member of the online community. 5.2 Anyone can apply to the High Priestess of a coven for membership of that particular coven. 5.3 Anyone shall be eligible for membership of the Group mailing list upon payment of the Group membership fee. 5.4 The Group Membership Fee shall be payable annually, and shall be determined by the Council provided that the fee shall be no less than the minimum costs of postage and newsletter production and the amount be set at the AGM for the coming year. 5.5 Resignation 5.5.2 A member of the online community may resign from membership by removing themselves from the mailing list. 5.5.3 Any member so resigning shall be liable for any outstanding monies owed and or any assets held, which shall be recovered as a debt due to the Temple. 5.6 Expulsion of a Member 5.6.2 Particulars of the charge shall be communicated to the member at least one week before the meeting of the Council at which the matter will be determined. 5.6.3 The determination of the Council shall be communicated to the member, and in the event of an adverse determination the member shall, subject to section 5.6.4, cease to be a member 14 days after the Council has communicated its determination to the member. 5.6.4 It shall be open to a member to appeal to the Temple in general meeting against the expulsion. The intention to appeal shall be communicated to the secretary or public officer within 14 days after the determination of the Council has been communicated to the member. 5.6.5 In the event of an appeal under subsection 5.6.4 the appellant's membership of the Group shall not be terminated unless the determination of the Council to expel the member is upheld by the members of the Temple in general meeting after the appellant has been heard by the members of the Group, and in such event membership will be terminated at the date of the general meeting at which the determination of the Council was upheld. 6. COMMITTEE: 6.1 The affairs of the Temple shall be managed and controlled by the Grand Council of Elders which in addition to any powers and authorities conferred by this constitution, may exercise all such powers and do all such things as are within the objects of the Group, and are not by the Act or by this constitution required to be done by the Group in general meeting. 6.2 The day to Day running and function of the Temple shall be overseen by a Committee. The Committee shall have authority to interpret the meaning of this constitution and any other matters relating to the affairs of the Group on which this constitution is silent. 6.3 The Committee shall comprise
of: 6.4 The Council shall appoint a public officer as required by the Act. 6.5 The Committee shall meet at least once each month during the financial year. This meeting can occur online with all members present. 6.6 A member of the Committee shall
cease to be a member of the same upon any of the following happening:- 6.7 The Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy occurring on the Committee provided that such appointment is ratified in a meeting of the Temple Grand Council, to be held within one month of such appointment being made. 6.8 The Council shall have the power to appoint from time to time such officers and sub-committees as it deems necessary. The duties of such officers and sub-committees shall be defined by the Council to which the said officers and sub-committees shall be responsible. 7. AUDIT 7.1 The Temple accounts will be audited every year as required by Taxation legislation. 8. FINANCE: 8.1 There shall be one account in the name of the Temple at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. The account shall be as specified by the Council and there shall be no other account. All funds of the Temple shall be kept in the Group's bank account and appropriated only with the approval of the Council. 8.2 The Council member in the role of Treasurer, shall keep proper books of account for the Group and shall prepare such statements of the Group's financial affairs as the Committee directs. The Treasurer shall send a report of the Temple's books to all members of the Council at the end of every three months. 8.4 The financial year of the Group shall be from the 1st July to the 30th June. 8.5 The Treasurer shall prepare a report of the Temple's books at the close of Temple's financial year which shall be duly audited. 9. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: 9.1 There shall be an Annual General
Meeting of the Group to be held once each year to: 9.2 The Council member in the position of Secretary shall give fourteen days notice of the Annual General Meeting by means of an advertisement published online and via post prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting. 10. GENERAL MEETINGS: 10.1 The Secretary shall convene
a General Meeting of the Group: 10.2 The Honorary Secretary shall give seven days notice of a General Meeting by email to all members and by post to those on the mailing list. 10.3 A general meeting may be conducted online in a chat forum 11. VOTING: 11.1 The Chairperson at each meeting of the Group shall be the Council member in the position of President or another Council member elected by the meeting. 11.2 Persons eligible to vote shall
be: 11.3 The Chairperson of each meeting of the Temple shall have a deliberative vote only. 11.4 All questions before meetings of the Temple shall be determined by a simple majority of those voting except where stated otherwise in this constitution. 12. QUORUMS: 12.1 The quorum for a Committee Meeting shall be half plus one of the Council. 12.2 The quorum for General or Annual General Meetings shall be one-third of the total membership or a minimum of ten members if the membership of the temple is less than 25; provided that for a General Meeting called under clause 10.1 (ii) of this constitution, the quorum shall include at least fifty percent (50%) of the petitioning members. 13. ALTERATIONS TO THIS CONSTITUTION: 13.1 The procedure for altering
this constitution shall be: 14. THE SEAL 14.1 The Group shall have a common seal known as the logo upon which its corporate name shall appear in legible characters. This will be the name of the Temple over a pentacle. 14.2 This logo is the property of the Temple. 14.3 The seal shall not be used without the express authorisation of the Council, and every request for use of the seal shall be recorded in the minutes of the Group. This includes keeping a record of all websites that use the Temple logo or banner to link to the Temple site. 14.3 The approval to use the seal
shall be authorised by either; 15. WINDING UP 15.1 The Temple may be wound up in the manner provided for in the Act. 15.2 At the winding up of the Temple the Assets of the Temple are not to be aquired by any of the members and where possible should be returned to the original source. 15.3 If after winding up of the Group there remains 'surplus assets' as defined in the Act, such surplus assets shall be distributed to another Pagan or similar community as agreed by the closing members at the time of dissolution and proper record must be made of this transfer. |
Copyrighted 2002-2003 by The Wayfinder for and on behalf of The Temple of the
Way. All rights reserved.